
The Pros And Cons Of Acrylic Paint

the pros and cons and cons of acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is a versatile and durable paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic emulation. It is water-soluble and fast-drying and becomes water-resistant when it dries. Below we will look at some of the pros and cons and cons of acrylic paint.

The Pros of Acrylic Paint

1. It's versatile. You can paint on any surface that is oil and wax free. This includes canvas, wood, paper, rocks, glass, fabric, cardboard, metal, and plastic. With the proper preparation you can use acrylic paint on almost everything.

2. It dries quickly. This allows you to finish your project faster. This can be a con if you want to take your time painting but, there are mediums you can mix with acrylic paint to make it not dry so fast or special palettes that keep the paint wet.

3. It's water-soluble. Since it's water-based, you can wash it off your hands and brushes (while they're still wet) with soap and water. No need for paint thinners.

4. It's mostly non-toxic. It's safer using it around children and pets. Read the labels because some of the colors have toxins including cadmium, cobalt, magnesium, chromium and lead.

5.  Acrylic paint is a fairly inexpensive kind of paint.

6. You can mix with acrylics with lots of different mediums to get different textures, adhering features, or to change the drying time.

7. It's durable. Acrylics are flexible and won't crack, peel, or turn yellow.

the pros and cons of acrylic paint

8. It maintains it's vibrant color.

9. It's water-resistant when it dries.

The Cons of Acrylic Paint

1. When acrylic paint dries, the color tends to get a bit darker.

2. Acrylic paint dries quickly can be a pro or a con depending on if you're a slow painter.

3. If acrylic paint dries on your brushes it can be hard to remove. It's best to keep a container of water near you while you're painting to keep the brushes wet so they are easy to clean.

4. You won't be able to remove it from nail polish. It's a good idea if you get your nails done to wear rubber gloves when you're painting.

5. You may have a hard time getting it off your clothes if it dries on them. Rubbing alcohol will do the trick most of the time.

6. Some people think acrylics are not valued by collectors and professional artists in the same way as oils are, especially in the art galleries.

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