How To Make A Wet Palette

how to make a wet palette

Making a wet palette for your acrylic paint is very easy. It’s a great way to save money on paint and to be able to come back to your colors that you’ve already mixed up if you need to leave and come back to finish your painting later. I love mine and can use it for a long time. You’ll want to dry it out every so often though to make sure it doesn’t get moldy.

Materials for making a wet palette are as follows:

A plastic food container with an air tight lid

A piece of sponge, sponges, or paper towels to fit the bottom of the container 

Wax or parchment paper

Piece of paper




how to make a wet palette


First trace the bottom of the container onto a piece of paper to use as a template.

how to make a wet palette

Cut the sponge/sponges or 2-3 layers of paper towels to fit in your plastic container.

how to make a wet palette

Next use your template to cut the wax paper or parchment paper to fit the container and save the template for future use.

how to make a wet palette

Put the sponge or paper towels in the bottom of the container and pour enough water to wet them thoroughly.

how to make a wet palette

Cover it with the wax or parchment paper which will be the surface to put your paint on.

how to make a wet palette

That is how to make a wet palette. Use the lid every time you stop painting and it will last a few days to a week and maybe more. I hope this helps you. I use mine all the time. I was so happy to find out this information and it has helped me out tremendously! Check back soon, I'll be adding more acrylic painting tips and tricks. 

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