
Easy Pumpkin Painting Ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

Let’s get creative this year with Painted Pumpkin Faces! This is a great outdoor activity along with making scarecrows for that autumn Halloween yard decor and a whole lot of fun!

Painting pumpkin faces is an amusing, enjoyable way for the whole family to get involved in decorating your porch or yard for the Halloween and the autumn season. Pick out nice pumpkins that don’t have a lot of bumps, are fairly smooth, and flat enough on the bottom to sit upright. Wash and dry them. Draw a design on paper to refer to before you start to paint. Trace or draw your design on the pumpkin. Use acrylic paint to paint your pumpkin. You may need a couple coats of paint. Let the first coat dry before applying the second coat. When it’s completely dry, spray a light coat of acrylic spray sealant on it.

Now rake the yard to get all the leaves you can to make scarecrows. This is a great way to clean up the yard before it starts snowing too. I’m sure you can find someone has some old clothes that don’t fit them anymore that you use to make awesome looking scarecrows. You can even use painted pumpkin faces for the heads of your scarecrows! 

There’s some pictures of some easy pumpkin painting ideas below. Let me know how your painting pumpkin faces and making scarecrows project went. I’d love to hear from you. Please leave me comments in the comments section below. 

pumpkin painting ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

pumpkin painting ideas

Please leave your questions and comments below in the comments section.

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  1. Love your ideas and advised. I would like to paint on glass avoiding the head process. What kind of air dry Paint is good for glass and what can I use to cure the glass after Painting to be useful for drinks and food

  2. Hi Evelyn,
    I go into detail about painting on glass on my "Can I Use Acrylic Paint On Glass Page". I hope you find the answers to your questions there. If not let me know what other questions you have.
    Have a great day!
    Best Regards,
