There is a large assortment of acrylic fabric paint
If you want to use your regular acrylic paint on fabric, it may go on too thick and make your fabric come out too stiff. The way to avoid this from happening is to mix it with Liquitex Acrylic Mediums Slow-Dri Fluid Retarder, DecoArt Fabric Medium, or Textile Medium.
All these items can be found at your favorite place to get craft supplies or at Amazon. You can easily get there by clicking on the banner to the right.
Painting A Tee Shirt, Sweatshirt Or Other Fabric Project
Put a piece of cardboard inside the shirt or under the fabric. This will make a stiff painting surface and assure the paint doesn’t go through to the other side of the shirt.
You can use stencils or sketch your drawing first with chalk. There's also Dressmakers’ Carbon Transfer Paper and a tracing wheel which work very nicely. I recommend having a plan. Acrylic fabric paint is permanent. It stays on the fabric and is impossible to remove.
Using your acrylic fabric paint or the mixture of acrylic paint with the fabric medium, start painting. Try not to use too much water mixed with the paint so it doesn’t bleed. Dry your brush off with a paper towel or old rag thoroughly after cleaning it when changing colors. Let the shirt dry completely before you take the cardboard out.
How To Heat Set Your Project
Iron method:
Use an iron. Make sure your project is completely dry. At least 24 hours should be sufficient. Turn off the automatic settings on the iron. Do not use steam, this will ruin your project. Place a thin cloth over the paint or iron the underside and put the cloth on the ironing board. On medium setting, or lower for delicate fabrics, gently iron for 3-5 minutes. Keep the iron moving so you don't burn the fabric.Clothes Dryer Method:
Another method is to use the clothes dryer. Set the dryer to medium-high or high heat. Pre-heat the dryer. Use the hottest setting that your fabric type will stand. Place your project in the dryer by itself and dry it for an hour.Oven Method:
The oven method I personally don't like because I would be afraid it would catch on fire. If you have to use this method be very careful. Place your project in a preheated 250 degrees oven for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the oven light on so you can keep a close watch on it.Allow 4 days after heat setting before washing.
Now you have a beautiful handmade decorative tee shirt, sweatshirt or project for yourself or to give away as a gift.
Washing Instructions Of Your Project
Kids Acrylic Painting On Fabric
Encourage your children to get creative with acrylic fabric paint. Make Grammy, Grandpa, Mommy, or Daddy a hand painted tee shirt or sweatshirt. They’re sure to love it.
I have cherished mine that my daughter gave me on my 32nd birthday and have held on to it for 21 years now and will continue to treasure it for the rest of my life.
Check back because I have lots of acrylic painting and crafty ideas coming up soon.
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