Acrylic paint is an inexpensive vibrant, quality of paint that's flexible, durable and dries quickly. This website is full of acrylic painting ideas to inspire you and to help you decide what to paint. You can create beautiful and easy acrylic painting projects on a number of different surfaces like canvas, wood, rocks, glass, etc. that you can cherish for your lifetime, give away, or sell.
Just have fun and be yourself. There are many different people all over the world who are artists. Each person has their own unique way. There is no right or wrong. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Please leave your thoughts and ask me any questions you have in the comments section at the bottom of this page.
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Just have fun and be yourself. There are many different people all over the world who are artists. Each person has their own unique way. There is no right or wrong. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Below are a few acrylic painting pictures painted by Jessica or Gina.
A Twelve Point Buck Looks Over The Hemlocks ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Sunset Over The Ocean Painting ~by Gina Bisceglia
Sunrise Flowers ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Lighthouse Down By The Sea ~ by Gina Bisceglia
A Dragonfly Lives Down By The Cattails ~ Gina Bisceglia
Hoo Hoo Hoo's That Owl In The Tree ~ by Gina Bisceglia
The Four Seasons Tree ~ by Jessica Straus
Two Love Birds In A Tree ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Birds By The Water ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Owl Always Love You ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Colorful Abstract Beauty ~ by Jessica Straus
Out On A Limb ~ by Gina Bisceglia
Please leave your thoughts and ask me any questions you have in the comments section at the bottom of this page.
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